Hankook Tire Gauge Index indicates that as Covid-19 cases decline and a nationwide vaccine campaign is gaining momentum, Americans are driving more. About 66% of Americans are now driving at least a few days a week against 31% in April 2020. However, the Gauge Index showed that most people aren’t caring for their cars.
According to the index, 70% of drivers in the U.S. do not regulate tire pressure 30 days prior, despite the industry’s recommendation for at least once a month. Moreover, 73 percent had not cleared up their automotive fluids, or two-in-three had their vehicles washed inside or outside.
Only one in three Americans (32%) surveyed took their cars off for routine drives that are useful for maintaining circulating fluids, charging the batteries, and identification of machinery problems requiring specialist treatment. Overall, one in five Americans (22%) agreed that in the previous 30 days, they did not maintain their car as required.
Daniel Brown, a senior technical services specialist at Hankook Tire America Corp., advised that as people get back on the road, it’s important to ensure that they run smoothly and safely. Drivers are encouraged to integrate regular repairs into their spring cleaning routines.
Car Maintenance Tips for March by Hankook.
Cleaning in spring. Drivers should use the milder temperatures to scrub the car thoroughly, inside and outside. In colder temperatures, it’s vital to wash off hazardous chemicals like road salt that can corrode essential components underneath your car and dull the car paint if not cleaned.
Check the tires. High exterior temperatures change tire pressure i.e., tires require to be checked at least once a month to ensure that they match the car’s recommended PSI. Low tire pressure can cause premature and erratic wear, low performance, and raise rolling resistance that can impair fuel consumption.
Poor tread depth also affects the vehicle’s handling and leads to flat or blow-out hydroplaning. If the tires display any signs of damage, overwear, or aging, using a reliable service facility helps to track the tires to ensure their protection and that they perform to their best.
Under the hood. The cleaning of the interior can also prevent debris from being transferred through other parts, including seat adjustment systems, floor vents, and window switches. These, if left unclean, may limit the functionality.
Weekly drives: They keep the fluids well circulated, car battery charged, and prevent tires from flat spotting on a driveway. Check all fluids in your engine, including oil, washer fluid, and coolant, and that lights are all working. Visit a local shop if not conversant.
Getting ready for potholes: after a long winter full of snow, ice, and rain; springtime thawing on roads can generate large potholes. To avoid pothole harm, keep a distance from the vehicle in front to easily see potholes. If a pothole impact is unavoidable, minimize your speed, take it up front, and slowly roll over it. Its effect on your tires damages the structure and demands substitution.
This recent study, was taken on February 22-24, 2021. 2,732 Americans aged 18+ with valid U.S. driver’s licenses were randomly selected.